Customizing the UI

This tutorial shows:

  1. CSS classes quick reference.
  2. Color customization using the theme configuration.
  3. Color customization using CSS.
  4. Hidding UI components using CSS.
  5. Creating and Adding new UI components.

1. CSS classes quick reference.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the class names used in the player UI. This list can be used to quickly and easlily modify the look and feel of most relevant UI components.

Base Classes

  • .amp-ui: The top level class. Use to override player wide text styles.
  • .amp-bg: Background color of the control bar, floating buttons and menus.
  • .amp-hover:hover: Hover color of floating buttons and menu items.
  • .amp-icon: The icons used in the control bar and menus.
  • .amp-slider: The base slider class.
    • .amp-slider .amp-handle: The draggable slider handle button.
    • .amp-slider .amp-track: The background of the slider track.
    • .amp-slider .amp-range: The available range of the slider. (i.e. loaded video content)
    • .amp-slider .amp-value: The fill of the slider.
  • .amp-menu: The menu base class used for the settings and context menus.
    • .amp-menu-title: The menu title. Serves as a back button for nested menus.
    • .amp-menu-item: The class for menu items.
  • .amp-hint-container: The hints base class for setting the element position (desktop only)
    • .amp-hint: The class to customize UI tooltips (i.e background and font)


  • .amp-controls: The control bar.
  • .amp-playpause: The play/pause button.
  • .amp-pause-overlay: The large pause button.
  • .amp-jump-back: Jump back button.
  • .amp-jump-forward: Jump forward button.
  • .amp-icon: The icons used in the control bar and menus.
  • .amp-time-display: The time display container.
    • .amp-current-time: The current time display.
    • .amp-time-separator: The time separator.
    • .amp-duration: The duration display.
    • amp-live-label: The live indicator.
  • .amp-mute: The mute button connected to the volume slider.
  • .amp-volume: The volume slider.
  • .amp-share: The share button.
  • .amp-cc: The closed caption toggle button.
  • .amp-settings: The settings menu toggle button.
  • .amp-pip: The picture in picture button. (Safari only)
  • .amp-airplay: The airplay button. (Safari only)
  • .amp-chromecast: The chromecast button. (Chrome only)
  • .amp-fullscreen: The fullscreen button.

2. Color customization using the theme configuration.

For simple colorization of the player, the theme api can be used by passing a theme object through the config object:

var config = {
  var config = {
    plugins: {
      react: {
        //Here is a simple theme object
        theme: {
          text: "#746A3C",
          foreground: "#C2B49B",
          background: "#2E3D33"
akamai.amp.AMP.create("amp", config);

Themes can also be set at runtime:

amp.react.theme = {
  text: "#746A3C",
  foreground: "#C2B49B",
  background: "#2E3D33"

Here is a simple example using the theme API:

    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="sample">
        <div id="amp"></div>
        var config = {
            media: {
              src: "https://my_hls_asset.m3u8",
              type: "application/x-mpegURL"
                theme: {
                  text: "#746A3C",
                  foreground: "#C2B49B",
                  background: "#2E3D33"
        akamai.amp.AMP.create("amp", config, (event) => {
            amp = event.player;
            // OR do it at run time using:
            // amp.react.theme = {
            //  text: "#746A3C",
            //  foreground: "#C2B49B",
            //  background: "#2E3D33"
            // };
    <style type="text/css">
        .sample {
            border-style: none;
            width: 640px;
            height: 360px;

You can play arround and create your own themes using our web designer tool.

3. Color customization using CSS.

For modifications beyond simple colorization, CSS can be used to override the styles of the UI components:

  .amp-icon:hover {
    color: #B98853;
  .amp-playpause {
    color: #B18742

Building on our previous example we will use the CSS classes to add a nice yellow to our play button only and also add a slightly stronger brown to all controls when the cursor hover over them.

    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="sample">
        <div id="amp"></div>
        var config = {
            media: {
              src: "https://my_hls_asset.m3u8",
              type: "application/x-mpegURL"
                theme: {
                  text: "#746A3C",
                  foreground: "#C2B49B",
                  background: "#2E3D33"
        akamai.amp.AMP.create("amp", config, (event) => {
            amp = event.player;
    <style type="text/css">
        .sample {
            border-style: none;
            width: 640px;
            height: 360px;
        .amp-icon:hover {
          color: #B98853;
        .amp-playpause {
          color: #B18742

Notice that this can also be done by passing the CSS to as shown below:

<script> += ".amp-playpause { color: #B18742; }"

4. Hidding UI components using CSS.

To hide components using CSS it is as simple as setting their display mode to none:

  .amp-settings {
    display: none !important;
  .amp-share {
    display: none !important;

Building on our example, we'll remove both the settings and the share button since they are not required in our application:

    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="sample">
        <div id="amp"></div>
        var config = {
            media: {
              src: "https://my_hls_asset.m3u8",
              type: "application/x-mpegURL"
                theme: {
                  text: "#746A3C",
                  foreground: "#C2B49B",
                  background: "#2E3D33"
        akamai.amp.AMP.create("amp", config, (event) => {
            amp = event.player;
    <style type="text/css">
        .sample {
            border-style: none;
            width: 640px;
            height: 360px;
        .amp-icon:hover {
          color: #B98853;
        .amp-playpause {
          color: #B18742
        .amp-settings {
          display: none !important;
        .amp-share {
          display: none !important;

5. Creating and Adding new UI components.

More advanced customizations can be made using JS. AMP react API, provides the React.createElement method. React.createElement, can be used to easily create new UI elements to be used by the player.

akamai.amp.AMP.create("amp", config).then(function (player) {
  var amp = player;
  var component = React.createElement("button", {
    className: "amp-icon amp-css-sample",
    id: "component",
    key: "css",
    onClick: function () {'', '_blank');

Notice that the component template for the button we're creating has the attribute onClick. The onClick attributte can be used to set a function to be called when the button is pressed.

Our complete example looks like this:

    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="sample">
        <div id="amp"></div>
        var config = {
            media: {
              src: "https://my_hls_asset.m3u8",
              type: "application/x-mpegURL"
                theme: {
                  text: "#746A3C",
                  foreground: "#C2B49B",
                  background: "#2E3D33"
        akamai.amp.AMP.create("amp", config, (event) => {
            amp = event.player;
              //Take note that "amp-css-sample" doesn't exist as an amp class but we're adding it to later modify this component in the css.
              var component = React.createElement("button", {
                className: "amp-icon amp-css-sample",
                id: "component",
                key: "css",
                onClick: function () {
        '', '_blank');
    <style type="text/css">
        .sample {
            border-style: none;
            width: 640px;
            height: 360px;
        .amp-icon:hover {
          color: #B98853;
        .amp-playpause {
          color: #B18742
        .amp-settings {
          display: none !important;
        .amp-share {
          display: none !important;
        .amp-css-sample:before {
          content: "DOC";
          font-size: 10px;
          margin: 0px !important;