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AMP player

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Media Delivery



We support major playback platforms: Web (desktop and mobile), Mobile (iOS and Android), and TV (tvOS, AndroidTV, FireTV, Chromecast).
  Type Feature
iOS + tvOS
Android + AndroidTV
Standard Technology Javascript Based
Standard Technology Swift Framework Based
Standard Technology Java Based
Standard Delivery Support HTTP Protocols
Standard Delivery Ultra Low Latency
Standard Playback Supporting DASH-js
Standard Playback Supporting HLS.js
Standard Playback Supporting HDCore
Standard Playback VOD Streaming
Standard Playback Live Streaming
Standard Playback HLS Support
Standard Playback DASH Support
Standard Playback MPD Support
Standard Playback ABR Support
Standard Playback 360 Video
Standard Playback Google Cast
Standard Playback Apple Airplay
Standard Playback Picture & Picture PnP
Standard Playback Captions / Metadata WebVTT Captions
Standard Playback Captions / Metadata 608/708 Captions
Standard Playback Captions / Metadata ID3
Standard Playback Captions / Metadata DFXP
Standard Playback / Analytics Common Media Client Data CTA-5004
Standard Others AMP Unified Player Model
Standard Others AMP Unified Content JSON
Standard Content Protection Supporting AES-128
Standard Content Protection Tokens
Standard Content Protection DRM Browser CDM
Standard Content Protection DRM FairPlay
Standard Content Protection DRM Widevine
Standard Content Protection DRM PlayReady
Standard Content Protection DRM Verimatrix
Standard Offline/Download Native (Offline Playback)
Premier Ads Any VAST&VMAP
Premier Ads Google (DFP) IMA3
Premier Ads Google DAI
Premier Ads FreeWheel Ad Manager
Premier Ads Yospace SSAI
Premier Ads Facebook Audience Manager
Premier Ads MOAT
Premier Header Bidding Prebid.js
Premier Header Bidding App Nexus
Premier Header Bidding Amazon Publisher Services
Premier Header Bidding Oath
Premier Header Bidding SpotX
Premier Analytics Media Analytics, QOSM, BOCC
Premier Analytics Comscore StreamSense
Premier Analytics Nielsen DCR
Premier Analytics Nielsen DTVR
Premier Analytics Adobe Heartbeat
Premier Analytics Conviva
Premier Analytics DataZoom
Premier Analytics New Relic
Premier Analytics Segment
Premier Analytics Krux
Premier Analytics Mux
Premier Analytics Google Analytics
Premier Analytics Google Firebase
Premier New Feature Adobe Experience
Premier New Feature Google Analytics Global Site Tag
Premier New Feature Apple Airplay 2
Premier New Feature Synacor MVPD picker




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