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Redirect Notice

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This module’s goal is to ease the integration of GoogleCast and the Akamai AMP Player for iOS. With just a few steps we can achieve this integration, let’s see how.


Just import the AmpChromecast.framework into your project. For more information check out the AmpCore’s documentation.

Note: Make sure to add the frameworks as Embedded Binaries or you’ll get an error about a missing image.

How to Use

Let’s first import the required frameworks:

import AmpCore
import AmpChromecast

Then, let’s add the related variables in our UIViewController:

var ampPlayer: AmpPlayer!
var ampChromecast: AmpChromecastManager!

And it’s time to instantiate them now in your viewDidLoad function:

ampPlayer = AmpPlayer(parentView: self.view)
ampChromecast = AmpChromecastManager(ampPlayer: ampPlayer, parentViewController: self) url)

You will also need to send a new object with the media info of the active playback.

let builder = GCKMediaInformationBuilder()
builder.contentID = "https://sample-url/video.m3u8"
builder.streamType = .buffered
builder.contentType = "application/x-mpegURL"
ampChromecast.mediaInfo =

For starting the video cast to a Chromecast device, just add your own button and assign it the custom class GCKUICastButton that way video cast will start the video cast flow automatically.

You will also be able to listen to several events from the AmpChromecastManager by implementing AmpChromecastObserver and assigning it to the manager as an observer. The way to achieve this is by using the ampChromecast.registerObserver(observer) method.

Chromecast Configuration.

Use these variables and methods to configure AMP Chromecast.


Variable Type Description Optional
isActive Bool Whether or not casting is active No
ampPlayer AmpPlayer AMP Player instance Yes
sessionManager GCKSessionManager Session Manager Yes
defaultUrl String Default media resource playback URL No
defaultContentType String Media resource content type No


Methods Parameters Usage Returns
registerObserver observer: AmpChromecastObserver Registers an observer The id of the registered observer
removeObserver id: Int Removes a registered observer.
initializeContext receiverId: String, loggerDelegate: GCKLoggerDelegate? = nil Initialization of the context
disconnect stopCasting: Bool = true Deallocation of the resource


These are the playback related variables


Variable Type Description Optional
playbackState PlaybackState The current state of the video playback No

Action Sheet

The following properties can be modified to configure the Action Sheet.


Variable Type Description Optional
actionSheetTitle String Action Sheet Title. Defaults to "AMP Chromecast" No
actionSheetMessage String Action Sheet Message. Defaults to an empty string No
actionSheetPlayMessage String Action Sheet Play Message. Defaults to "Play Now" No
actionSheetQueueMessage String Action Sheet Queue Message. Defaults to "Add to Queue" No
actionSheetCancelMessage String Action Sheet Cancel Message. Defaults to "Cancel" No

Queue management

The Chromecast queue can also be managed through several methods provided to the user by using the following methods.


Variable Type Description Optional
isChromecastQueueEnabled Bool Whether or not the Chromecast queue is enabled No


Methods Parameters Usage Returns
queueInsert item: GCKMediaQueueItem, beforeItemWithId:UInt = kGCKMediaQueueInvalidItemID Insert a single item in the Chromecast queue. You can also define at which point in the queue the insertion is made. Note: enable the chromecast autoplay flag if you want the videos to show up after the current one is done.
queueInsert GCKMediaQueueItem], beforeItemWithID:UInt = kGCKMediaQueueInvalidItemID Insert a list of media items in the Chromecast queue. You can also define at which point in the queue the insertion is made. Note: enable the chromecast autoplay flag if you want the videos to show up after the current one is done.
queueInsertAndPlay item:GCKMediaQueueItem, beforeItemWithID:UInt = kGCKMediaQueueInvalidItemID Inserts a new element to the queue and sets it as the current playing item.
queueReorderItems withIds:[NSNumber], insertBeforeItemWithID:UInt Reorders the list of media items in the queue.
queueItemCount Use this to check the number of items in the playback queue. Int
queueRemoveItem withId:Int Removes the specified item from the queue.
queueRemoveItem withIds:[NSNumber] Removes a list of media items from the queue. If the queue becomes empty as a result, the current media session will be terminated.
queueItem at: Int Returns the item at the specified index in the playback queue. GCKMediaQueueItem
queueItem withItemID:Int Returns the item with the given item ID in the playback queue. GCKMediaQueueItem
queueIndex forItemId: Int Returns the index of the item with the given item ID in the playback queue. Note: This returns-1 if there is no such item in the queue. Int
queueNext Starts the playback of the next item in the queue.
queuePrevious Starts the playback of the previous item in the queue.

Player Event Observer

List of the observable events by the Chromecast Player Event Observer.

Event Parameters Description
willHandleUrl ampPlayer: AmpPlayer
onBufferingStateChanged ampPlayer: AmpPlayer When the buffering state has changed
willStop ampPlayer: AmpPlayer

External Playback Delegate

This is the list of the External Playback Delegate Methods

Methods Parameters Usage Returns
externalPlaybackState Returns the playback state PlaybackState
play Starts the playback
pause Pauses playback
seekTo seconds: TimeInterval Seeks to a specified point in the playback timeline
currentTime Returns the current playback time The current playback time
updateObservers seconds: Double Updates the observers

Captions set up

To implement Closed Captions for a custom receiver with the AMP iOS SDK:

First, set the captions type and source.

For embedded captions, create a new track for the captions, using the GCKMediaTrack init, setting the contentIdentifier to an empty string and the contentType to “text/cea608”.

let captionsTrack = GCKMediaTrack.init(identifier: 1, contentIdentifier: "", contentType: "text/cea608", type: GCKMediaTrackType.text, textSubtype: GCKMediaTextTrackSubtype.captions, name: "English Captions", languageCode: "en", customData: nil)

For VTT captions, create a new track for the captions, using the GCKMediaTrack init, setting the contentIdentifier to the VTT captions file URL and the contentType to “text/vtt”

let captionsTrack = GCKMediaTrack.init(identifier: 1, contentIdentifier: "https://some-url/caption_en.vtt", contentType: "text/vtt", type: GCKMediaTrackType.text, textSubtype: GCKMediaTextTrackSubtype.captions, name: "English Captions", languageCode: "en", customData: nil)

Next, create an array of tracks that contains the previously created track.

let tracks = [captionsTrack]

Finally, create the mediaInfo file using the parameters shown, setting them as required by your implementation.

var mediaInfo = GCKMediaInformation(contentID: url, streamType: .buffered, contentType: "application/x-mpegURL", metadata: metadata, streamDuration: TimeInterval(100), mediaTracks:tracks, textTrackStyle:nil, customData: nil)